We had a great first dig! This from archaeologist Tim Roberts from Cultural Resource Analysts:
“This morning we excavated one square, 50-x-50-centimeter-wide shovel test pit about 15 meters northeast of the slave house, careful to stay out of the beautiful garden plots. While we didn’t identify any archaeological features, we did recover a range of artifacts from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and maybe a few quartzite flakes from pre-colonial stone tool-making, all from within the first 25 centimeters of the ground surface. We still have to clean and examine the materials back in the lab, but we know we have plenty of brick fragments, some terracotta pot sherds or drainpipe fragments, wire and cut iron nails, a piece of wrought iron hardware, green and colorless vessel glass, lamp glass fragments, burned animal bones, coal and slag, whiteware sherds, clay pipe bowl fragments, a glass marble, and few pieces of plastic and aluminum foil.”