Early this month, Elizabeth S. Kostelny, the CEO of Preservation Virginia, the oldest statewide preservation organization in the nation, wrote to share her organization’s support for the Judy Project at Richmond Hill. She wrote in part:

I write to lend our support to the Judy Project and its goal to unearth this forgotten history and restore the space for reflection, dialogue, and healing. By envisioning a place that is educational and restorative, the team at Richmond Hill is creating an environment that will inspire transformative change in individuals and in the Richmond community.

The structure at Richmond Hill is rare and significant. The team has sensitively undertaken thorough documentary and archaeological research and worked with architects and designers to envision this rehabilitated space. Most importantly, you have engaged a broad community of individuals in determining the scope of the restoration and the approach to memorization. This engagement distinguishes the Judy Project in its goal of supporting reconciliation.

Read the entire letter.

Categories: Support